The Crew
We have a dedicated Austin crew commmitted to making this event as bitchin' as possible:

Beth Nelson – Organizer
name is Beth and I have been a Whedonite from before I knew he existed.
Some of my favorite episodes of the TV show, "Roseanne," were written
by Joss. I was completely converted in 1997 when the show "Buffy the
Vampire Slayer" hit the airwaves. While I wasn't an "Angel" fan, my
love of Joss' work grew immensely when I first saw "Firefly". It was
like a brand new love affair.
Fast forward to 2008, and I am the Chairman of the Austin Browncoats, a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Corporation located in Austin, TX.
The Austin Browncoats work to end violence and discrimination in all sectors of society. We place special focus on working alongside young women and children because, given the opportunity and proper education, young women and children can help create a better world for all beings. Much like our passion for the amazing works of Joss Whedon, such as "Firefly", we are passionate about our causes and raising funds for our charities, including Equality Now, SafePlace, Heart House and Emancipet.
I look forward to meeting all of you at our 2008 Screening! It is going to be a lot of fun! If you can’t make it to our Austin event, please go to and look for an event near you!
Claudia Drinovsky – Assistant Organizer, PR Officer
I am Claudia, I am a long time Firefly and Serenity Fan. I am also an
active member of the Austin Browncoats. I am married with two kids,
well sometimes 3 it seems. But since my daughter is going to school and
they do tons of fundraising, I had some ideas and that is how I ended
up helping with CSTS.
I am really looking forward to this event and hope to make it the best ever.
Ryan Campbell – Merchandising Officer
hates writing about himself, so he opted to use a much better bio to
explain why he is the best Merchandising Officer ever.
(Note to Readers: Replace Chuck Norris with Ryan Campbell)
Chuck Norris's fight career lasted from 1964-1974. Norris started off by losing his first three tournaments but, by 1966, he was almost unbeatable. Among the numerous titles he won were The National Karate Championships (1966), All-Star Championships (1966), World Middleweight Karate Championship (1967), All-American Karate Championship (1967), Internationals (1968), World Professional Middleweight Karate Championship (defeating Louis Delgado on 24 November 1968), All-American Championship (1968), National Tournament of Champions (1968), American Tang Soo Championship, and the North American Karate Championship. Norris compiled a fight record of 65-5 with wins over champions Joe Lewis, Skipper Mullins, Arnold Urquidez, Ronald L. Marchini, Victor Moore, Louis Delgado, and Steve Sanders. Of the five men to beat Norris, three were Allen Steen, Joe Lewis, and Norris's last career defeat to Louis Delgado in 1968. Norris retired as undefeated Professional Full-Contact Middleweight Champion in 1974.
But seriously, he is the Merchandising Officer for Austin’s Can’t Stop the Serenity.
Kazia Hodges – Webmaster
Hello there, my name is Kazia (Kay-zyah). You might ask why I felt it necessary to inform you of the pronunciation of my name. I could say it was to help you get to know me better, or take a peek into the inner workings of my noggin'. Nah, no reason really. I'm just a bit odd, that's me. Odd and geekish and so proud of it! My husband is equally geeky and together we're bringing up our geek-in-training daughter.
My geek life expanded into a whole new 'Verse that Joss Whedon created when I sat down to watch Serenity in early 2007. I know, I was a bit late to the game, but I've made up for it since. I devoured my way through Firefly in 2008, and in searching through the fandom, I found the Austin Browncoats. I had been dabbling a bit in web design by that time, and offered my assistance to the fantabulous folks in Austin. They cannot seem to get rid of me now!