In July we announced that we had to develop a new CSTS icon since Equality Now had changed theirs. We put out the call and asked for submissions. It was going to be tough, we knew. The colours and shapes weren’t going to fit so neatly together.
As always, Browncoats came though and we had an impressive amount of artwork from which to choose.
It was hard as there were many ingenious designs. We worked with Equality Now to make sure that we respected their logo and finally picked the one that we felt made best use of the 2 icons, that of Universal’s Serenity and Equality Now’s equal sign. It is condensed and will be easy to add to the yearly images but stands well on its own.… Read more…
The Can’t Stop The Serenity promotional art contest is back for 2017! Do you think you’ve got what it takes to design our official promotional artwork?
In its twelve years, Can’t Stop The Serenity has raised over one million dollars for Equality Now. We can do even more good works in 2017, but only if people show up! That’s where you can come in. The annual logo is a critical tool for raising awareness about the event, building excitement, and getting people out to CSTS events around the world. It tells people that we are back for another year. And we know there are lots of creative Browncoats out there with the skills to make this happen!
The winner’s artwork will be featured prominently throughout our website and social media outlets, and on any T-shirts, and promos created for the annual CSTS season.… Read more…

Click here to vote! Thank you to each artist who took the time to share their talent with us. We have some tough choices to make this year in choosing a logo design.
What design do you want to represent CSTS this year?
- Voting is open here on the official CSTS website as of 10 March 2016, and we will close voting at 11:59 p.m./PST on 24 March 2016.
In the event of a tie, the Global Steering Committee and Global Team will choose the winning piece.
- You may only vote once, however, there’s nothing stopping you from soliciting votes for your favorite, including your own entry.
- Voting is open to the general public.
We will be posting links to the voting page via our social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)… Read more…
Can’t Stop the Serenity is celebrating 10 years in 2015, and we’ve got a great new logo to mark the occasion! This year’s artwork was designed by Adam Levermore, a long time Browncoat and designer of some of our early promotional art designs (back in 2007 and 2008).
You may have already noticed the new logo on our website and social media. It’s available now for you to download, so you can dress up your social media accounts to help spread the word about this year’s events.
2015 is off to a great start already and we hope you’ll come along for the ride and help us celebrate 10 fantastic years!
… Read more…

It’s not a new Can’t Stop the Serenity season without a fantastic new logo, and here it is! The above design was chosen by popular vote out of 14 great entries and is the creation of Jake Thompson from Orange, CA USA. Thank you to everyone who entered, and to everyone who cast their vote. And congratulations to Jake!
Over the next few days, you’ll start to see our new logo across the website and social media. We’ll have it available for download soon too, so you can dress up your social media account to help spread the word about this year’s events.
2014 is off to a great start already and we hope you’ll come along for the ride!… Read more…
The Global Sci-Fi Charity Event | Worldwide Charity Screenings for Equality Now