(Moon, who has been running Denver’s CSTS since the beginning tells us why.)
I’ve been asked many times over the last nine years, why I organize the Denver CSTS screenings. My stock answer is something along the lines of, “I’m a Browncoat,” “It’s for Joss’ birthday,” or “Equality Now is a wonderful charity that fights for the rights of women and girls all over the world!” While these statements are true and I always say them with a smile, it’s only part of the story that drives me to continue working with CSTS and Equality Now. Personally, I do it for my mother, the strongest and bravest woman I’ve ever known.
My mother, Sim Chae Yop, was born 1943 in a small fishing village in what we now call South Korea.… Read more…
Peepiecheep answers the question.
On July 6th this year, a team of dedicated volunteers ran a Can’t Stop the Serenity event in Leicester, UK. It was the first time since 2008 that an event had been held in the city. Last time we raised over $300 for Equality Now, this year we raised 4 times as much, both for EN and for our local women’s aid charity. It’s hard work, and it takes up a lot of our spare time, but it’s worth it.
Why? Because equality matters.
Equality, and the fight to achieve it for all, is important. For every woman who cannot fight, who finds her life and her choices dictated for her; for every girl who has been denied an education due to her gender; for every pre-teen who has been married off to a man three times her age; for every victim of rape and violence and oppression; we will help fight for them.… Read more…
Morgan B, age 12 wrote this essay for school. We think you will be in awe at this young woman’s grasp of what is important.
We all know that sometimes terrible things happen in the world, but did you know that in many countries women have almost no rights? In places like Yemen, Sudan, and Pakistan, young girls may be beaten, married, or even sentenced to death by their own families with few or no legal consequences. However, human rights organizations like Equality Now are working to change that. Can’t Stop The Serenity is a series of movie screenings held annually to benefit Equality Now. Serenity is a Sci-fi movie created by Joss Whedon, so if you are a Whedon fan and care about women’s rights, you should definitely come to a CSTS event near you.… Read more…
In Sept, 2013, birdandbear wrote about the North Texas screening but she speaks for all of us. Thanks to her for giving us permission to reprint this from their website.
Wanna hear something as mind-blowing as it is inspirational as it is humbling?
2013 marked the eighth annual CSTS event season. In that time North Texas Browncoats have raised more than $41,000.00, and the global events have raised over $840,000.00 for Equality Now and other charities. If the global events don’t break $1,000,000 next year, they certainly will for the 10th anniversary in 2015.
The stunning thing is, those figures aren’t subsidized in any way. There are no grants, no paid employees, no PR machine. Just some generous sponsors, and folks across the world coming together once a year to watch a movie, have a good time, maybe don a cunning hat, and make a stand in the name of what’s right.
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The Global Sci-Fi Charity Event | Worldwide Charity Screenings for Equality Now