We have three wonderfully creative designs for the 2020 Can’t Stop The Serenity Art Contest! Click here to vote!
So now it’s time for us all to choose which design will represent Can’t Stop the Serenity for 2020, our 15th year! You can only vote once and you’ve only got until midnight (PST) on Friday, January 31st to get your voice heard and your vote counted.… Read more…
We have five wonderfully creative designs for the 2019 Can’t Stop The Serenity Art Contest! Click here to vote!
So now it’s time for us all to choose which design will represent Can’t Stop the Serenity for 2019, our 14th year! You can only vote once and you’ve only got until midnight (PDT) on Monday, April 8th to get your voice heard and your vote counted.… Read more…
The Can’t Stop The Serenity promotional art contest is back for 2019! Do you think you’ve got what it takes to design our official promotional artwork?
Since 2006, Can’t Stop The Serenity has raised over one million dollars for Equality Now. We can do even more good works in 2019, but only if people show up! That’s where you can come in. The annual promotional artwork is a critical tool for raising awareness about the event, building excitement, and getting people out to CSTS events around the world. It tells people that we are back for another year. And we know there are lots of creative Browncoats out there with the skills to make this happen!
The Shiny Stuff
The winner’s artwork will be featured prominently throughout our CSTS website and social media outlets, and on any T-shirts, and promos created for the annual CSTS season.… Read more…
As Bob Averell and his amazing crew finish up 2017, we are beginning to look forward to 2018 and an exciting year of fun filled fandom events. For the past 12 years, Browncoats all over the world have donated tens of thousands of hours of their spare time to organise events both big and small to celebrate our fandom and to support Equality Now, and 2018 is no different. Plans are already being made in cities across the globe. Will there be an event in your local area? All it takes are a few Browncoats to put on their cunning hats and make it happen!
The Global Team are here to help and we are pleased to announce that Annie Burnaman is returning to be the Global Event Coordinator again.… Read more…
When we started in 2006, we got permission from Universal and from Equality Now to combine images from both to create the symbol we all recognize as the Can’t Stop The Serenity logo.

It has stood us in very good stead for 12 years now but Equality Now has changed their look and we must follow suit. After some discussion, they have given us permission to use their new logo – or part of it – the abstracted equal sign in 2 shades of Blue.
So we need a new logo using the Serenity icon and the Equality Now image.
We will be accepting submissions for the new CSTS design until Sept. 29th. You may submit up to 3 choices.
The Steering Committee will make the final decision.… Read more…
The Can’t Stop The Serenity promotional art contest is back for 2017! Do you think you’ve got what it takes to design our official promotional artwork?
In its twelve years, Can’t Stop The Serenity has raised over one million dollars for Equality Now. We can do even more good works in 2017, but only if people show up! That’s where you can come in. The annual logo is a critical tool for raising awareness about the event, building excitement, and getting people out to CSTS events around the world. It tells people that we are back for another year. And we know there are lots of creative Browncoats out there with the skills to make this happen!
The winner’s artwork will be featured prominently throughout our website and social media outlets, and on any T-shirts, and promos created for the annual CSTS season.… Read more…
We are very proud to be able to announce the winner of this year’s CSTS logo design contest: Congratulations and well done Jeffrey Weniger! We would like to extend a heart-felt thank you to each entrant for their time and talent. We know we had a hard time deciding which logo to vote for! They were all brilliantly done and all four did very well in the poll, generating some fierce competition. We received a record number of votes with this year’s contest and we’d like to thank our hundreds of voters as well as our artists – your enthusiasm and support are very much appreciated! This winning logo will be featured on our 2016 t-shirts and used for the promotion of events all across the ‘Verse.… Read more…

Click here to vote! Thank you to each artist who took the time to share their talent with us. We have some tough choices to make this year in choosing a logo design.
What design do you want to represent CSTS this year?
- Voting is open here on the official CSTS website as of 10 March 2016, and we will close voting at 11:59 p.m./PST on 24 March 2016.
In the event of a tie, the Global Steering Committee and Global Team will choose the winning piece.
- You may only vote once, however, there’s nothing stopping you from soliciting votes for your favorite, including your own entry.
- Voting is open to the general public.
We will be posting links to the voting page via our social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)… Read more…
That’s right, it’s time for the Promotional Art Contest! Do you think you have what we’re looking for?
As we go into our eleventh year, Can’t Stop the Serenity is looking for a new logo. The logo will be featured on posters, t-shirts and will be a focal point for every event. The winning artwork will help build excitement and draw people into theaters around the world, and will be prominently featured on our website and social media outlets.
The Short and Sweet of It
- Anything you submit must be your own artwork, your own designs. Any stock imagery you incorporate into your entry must be accompanied by documentation showing you have permission to use and reproduce it. This goes for any copyrighted imagery as well.
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It’s not a new Can’t Stop the Serenity season without a fantastic new logo, and here it is! The above design was chosen by popular vote out of 14 great entries and is the creation of Jake Thompson from Orange, CA USA. Thank you to everyone who entered, and to everyone who cast their vote. And congratulations to Jake!
Over the next few days, you’ll start to see our new logo across the website and social media. We’ll have it available for download soon too, so you can dress up your social media account to help spread the word about this year’s events.
2014 is off to a great start already and we hope you’ll come along for the ride!… Read more…
We put out the call and then made the signal go further and it came back full of amazing art. We have 14 designs, all wonderfully created by madly talented Browncoats. Thank you to everyone who submitted an entry (or two!) to the 2014 CSTS Art Contest.
And now it’s time for us all to choose which design will represent Can’t Stop the Serenity for 2014, our 9th year.
It will be hard to choose but we know you can do it!.
To have your say, all you need to do is click here to see the great designs and cast your vote!
You can only vote once and you’ve only got until Feb.16th to get your voice heard and your vote counted.
So vote and then tell your friends to spread the word and come help us choose the best of the best.… Read more…
The Can’t Stop The Serenity promotional art contest is back for 2014! Do you think you’ve got what it takes to design our official promotional artwork?
In its eight-year history, Can’t Stop The Serenity has raised more than half a million dollars for Equality Now. We can do even more good works in 2014, but only if people show up! That’s where you can come in. Since we’ve been doing this for almost a decade now, the novelty factor has worn off, which means it’s more important than ever before to build excitement for CSTS. The annual logo is a critical tool for raising awareness about the event, building excitement, and getting people to get out to CSTS events around the world. And we’re know there are lots of creative Browncoats out there with the skills to make this happen!… Read more…
Saturday, Sept. 7th, The Londinium Browncoats welcome all to the Jet Lag Bar. There will be a showing of Serenity & Dr. Horrible but that’s not all!
Put together your favourite Whedonite costume for the cosplay competition. Brush on your Firefly/Serenity facts for the Quiz and hold onto your tickets for the raffle. The Londinium Browncoats have been getting shiny prizes for the raffle from around the world.
And just when you think that will be it, there’s an afterparty!
Please note this is an over 18 event only. … Read more…
Saturday, June 15, the Beeston Browncoats are having a BBQ, Dr. Horrible Showing, live music, an Open Mic, themed drinks and so much more. It is open to all ages.
This year the Costume contest is for the whole Whedonverse (from Toy Story to Much Ado), so it’s an opportunity to cosplay your favourite Joss character with a chance of winning some very cool prizes!
It sounds like fun, doesn’t it?
Wish you could be there?
You can! Virtually, anyway. Dress up in your favourite Whedonverse costume, take a picture, and post it to twitter with the hashtag #jossjamboree after donating any amount to Equality Now. Do this before 8:30 p.m. GMT on the 15th and you will be entered!
But of course, if you are anywhere near Nottingham, you owe it to yourself to be there in person.… Read more…
The voting window has been extended for the 2013 CSTS Art Contest! This is your last chance to have your say on which design will represent CSTS for the 2013 season.
Voting will now close on 28 October 2012 at 11:59 PM PST.
To have your say, click here to see the designs and cast your vote!
So vote now for your favourite and spread the signal!
… Read more…
We sent the signal out to create the promotional art for next year’s events, and here they are! Thank you to everyone who submitted an entry (or two!) to the 2013 Can’t Stop The Serenity Art Contest.
We know it’s going to be a challenge, but we need you, the good folk of the ‘Verse, to help us choose which one will become the official artwork for Can’t Stop the Serenity 2013!
To have your say, all you need to do is click here to see the great designs and cast your vote!
You can only vote once and you’ve only got until 21 October 2012 at 11:59 PM PST to get your voice heard and your vote counted. So vote and then tell your friends to spread the word and come help us choose the best of the best.… Read more…
Here are a couple more of the entries we had when we ran a contest in March. We asked people what their first memory of Firefly was.
Anna wrote:
If you want to be technical, It was a Saturday morning, a long time ago. I was watching cartoons, and an ad came on. There was a girl, fighting, guns. Serenity, the movie was called. I thought that was weird. Then my show came back on, and I forgot all about it.
It was years later that I first heard of Firefly, sitting in a religion class, before school started. A classmate quoted something, and the teacher laughed. The classmate, a boy named Kory, was knitting something, a hat. Red and gold, orange. My teacher called it a “Jane” hat, whatever that was.
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Here are a couple of entries to the contest we ran in March asking people what their first memory of Firefly was.
First, from Randy of North Carolina:
I was a church pastor trying to decide which movie our youth group should see. The other counselor said, “Take the kids to Serenity, it is like Star Trek.” That was good enough for me, so we went to see this unknown movie. The memory stuck with me and I really liked the movie. About 6 months or so later I was at Best Buy looking at DVD covers. There was Serenity! I bought it and watched it at home. Looking at the special features was the first time I heard of Firefly the series. I immediately found it and bought it.
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On March 5, we launched the first of our Firefly 10th Anniversary contests, asking you to share your first memories of Firefly. We’re pleased to announce that the winner is Lauren, from Chicago IL. Congratulations Laurenon your winning entry. Thanks to the generosity of the New Melbourne Browncoats, she has won a copy of Firefly:The Official Companion, Vol I.
My first memory of Firefly…
I love Star Wars, Star Trek, Lord of the Rings, Battlestar Galactica,etc. etc…. but honestly, I started watching Firefly to impress a guy. He was a dreamy Nathan Fillion lookalike, and I knew he was into the series. I really wanted us to have something to talk about.
I didn’t expect to love Firefly, but I did.
I annihilated the entire series in about a week, some eps multiple times.
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March 5, 2002 was the first day of filming for Firefly. Ten years later, CSTS is celebrating! To commemorate this momentous occasion, we’re having a contest. Tell us, in at least 100 words, what your first memory of Firefly is.
Send your entry to info@cantstoptheserenity.com and a randomly selected entry will win a copy of Firefly: The Official Companion Vol.1 .
Be sure to include your name (real or online), an email address where you can be reached and where you are from.
All entries may be published, the winning one will certainly be!
Deadline March 15th, 2012.… Read more…
We’re extremely excited to announce the winner of the 2012 Art Contest, and share with you the design which will be at the forefront of next year’s events.
We’re delighted at the level of participation and interest in this year’s contest, with over 1,000 wonderful Browncoats voting for their choice of art from our amazingly creative Browncoat artists. It was a close call, with two entries vying for the top votes. But after all was said and done, one piece of artwork stood ahead of the rest.
Congratulations to…. Melanie Fischer from Toronto, Canada!

Melanie’s artwork will become very familiar to you as we move into the 2012 Can’t Stop the Serenity season, and we’ll be getting lots of promo banners, icons and more ready for you to help spread the signal!… Read more…
The Global Sci-Fi Charity Event | Worldwide Charity Screenings for Equality Now