One week still to go! So, there’s still time to sign up for the 2021 Running Of The Jaynes (Virtual) 5k Fun Run, July 11-25 – hosted by the shiny Pennsylvania Browncoats!
You don’t have to run! “When you can’t run, you crawl, and when you can’t crawl – when you can’t do that… You find someone to carry you.” You can walk, ride a bike or unicycle (we dare you!), strap on rollerblades, skates, or even snowshoes. You can even sign up and nominate another participant to “carry you” – do 5k on your behalf.
All proceeds benefit Equality Now as part of Can’t Stop the Serenity. “We’re just happy to be doin’ good works.”
These fun T-Shirts (pictured) are also available as part of this fundraiser.… Read more…
#Browncoats! Join us online for a shiny virtual event featuring fan updates, live discussions, trivia and an auction to raise money for our great charity –
Equality Now – with unique collectables from the the Firefly ‘Verse!
This Sunday will mark the 18th anniversary of the debut of
Firefly and we’ve chosen that day to celebrate the fandom and a great cause. These events do not require a ticket purchase. Participants simply sign in, join in a live discussions and bid on amazing donated items.
We recommend downloading the
Discord software and securing a good headset and microphone.
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Fellow #Browncoats,
Be assured that we intend to host Can’t Stop the Serenity charity events for Equality Now over the course of 2020. Some fundraising and gatherings will require technological means. Traditional screenings may be possible with the passage of time and under reasonable conditions. To that end, the #CSTS2020 season will be extended through mid-December to allow for later live events and the creation and adaptation of virtual events.
We’ll be hosting three online fundraisers throughout the season (via Facebook) for Spring, Summer and Fall. Please share the links everywhere and often. All of the funding will be sent to Equality Now at the close of each fundraiser. The Spring Fundraiser is here:
In conjunction with the first fundraising kick-off, we’ll be hosting a Virtual Shindig tomorrow (April 24th – International Watch Firefly Day) to talk shop and invite anyone to join in via Discord (a free voice, video and text software).… Read more…
Albuquerque Browncoats
present Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog at Bubonicon 51 – Sci-Fi & Fantasy Convention. Join them in the Cimarron Room at the Albuquerque Marriott Uptown for late-night Fun, Film, Music, Raffles, Costumes, Games, and More! Singing along in optional.
Doors open at 8:45pm, Film Starts at 9:00pm, Event Ends 10:45pm. This Charity Film Screening of Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog is a Can’t Stop the Serenity 2019 Affiliate Event.
Free event for the public and Bubonicon attendees. Suggested charity donation of $2-$5. All proceeds benefit amazing charities Equality Now and UNM Children’s Hospital, CMNH! If you come an hour or two early, you can check out the excellent Bubonicon Art Show and Dealer’s Room, which are also free and open to the public.… Read more…
The Big Damn Pennsylvania Browncoats will be landing at Keystone Comic Con at the Pennsylvania Convention Center THIS weekend, August 23-25 raising money for Equality Now. They will have custom Firefly / Serenity collectibles at their booth (611) in exchange for donations to Equality Now via Can’t Stop the Serenity 2019.
They will also be promoting Browncoat Ball 2019 – Las Vegas NV. The Pennsylvania #Browncoats are co-hosting Browncoat Ball 2019 with the Las Vegas Browncoats, so it looks to be a mighty fine shindig! See Browncoat Ball ( for details.… Read more…
The Albuquerque Browncoats keep flying with a shiny booth at New Mexico Comic Expo! Join them THIS weekend, August 16th-18th for Fun, Swag, Big Damn Heroes, Photo Ops, Costumes, and Can’t Stop the Serenity Charity Donations! Make a donation to #CSTS2019 and get a shiny prize! All proceeds will benefit amazing charities Equality Now and UNM Children’s Hospital, CMNH.
Friday evening from 6pm-8pm they will show #Browncoat fan films from around the ‘Verse (free with $2-5 suggested donation). Saturday from 5pm-6pm is the Firefly panel with Serenity stars Jewel Staite and Sean Maher!!! Wow! 
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The Alamo City Browncoats aim to misbehave. Just kidding! Let’s (not) Be Bad Guys, and come out and support their Can’t Stop the Serenity 2019 event THIS weekend in San Antonio, Texas! Visit the #Browncoats at NDG Sci-Fest July 13th & 14th from 10am-5pm at Wonderland of the Americas.
This is a free, family-friendly event where they’ll be taking cashy money donations to support Equality Now, and food donations for the San Antonio Food Bank.… Read more…
“Who’s flying this thing?!” This weekend (June 1st – 2nd) come join the Browncoats of NYC for their “COSPlay in the ‘Verse” presentation at CRADLE CON! (@Cradle of Aviation Museum) Organizer Leslie says “We’ll have some door prizes and auction items with all proceeds to benefit Equality Now (Joss Whedon’s favorite charity).”
“Be sure to stop by our Browncoat fan table during CRADLE CON! to learn about & support Equality Now. We will have ‘Thank You‘ gifts for your donations.” Equality Now has been a champion for the protection and promotion of human rights for women and girls around the world for almost 30 years. Via Can’t Stop the Serenity events, Browncoats around the world have been helping Equality Now since 2006, thanks to the inspiration of Joss Whedon.… Read more…
The Global Sci-Fi Charity Event | Worldwide Charity Screenings for Equality Now