We’re officially past the half-way mark for this year’s events! June was an incredible month, full of fun, excitement, cool costumes and great prizes! But we’re not done yet! Check out what’s happening next!
Category Archives: 2009
What’s On This Week: 26-30 June
We’ve had an amazing week of events, and there’s more on the horizon! So head over to your nearest event for a chance to have a great time and support a great cause… Equality Now.
… Read more…Happy Birthday Joss Whedon – Our gift is to fight for Equality
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead (1901 – 1978), US anthropologist
It’s Joss Whedon’s Birthday today! And what better gift can we give as fans, than to take up his cause for gender equality. So please take a moment to learn about the work that Equality Now is doing to make our world a better and safer place, and how you can help.
This week’s Why We Are Here is a special one. It is dedicated to all of the caring fathers out there in the world. Equality moves both ways, and we need to remember that when walking and working with our male counterparts in humanity’s symphony.… Read more…
Why We Are Here (Part VI)
This week’s Why We Are Here is a special one. It is dedicated to all of the caring fathers out there in the world. Equality moves both ways, and we need to remember that when walking and working with our male counterparts in humanity’s symphony. There are plenty of wonderful courageous men who work hard for equality right alongside the womenfolk and who practice doing the right thing. At the same time, there are many who have dedicated themselves to learning how to do the right thing, in spite of thousands of years of cultural influence. It is because of the education and other programs backed by Equality Now (and other worthy institutions) that these seekers of truth and equality have the chance to change the imbalance.… Read more…
Get Some Global Merch!
SO, we’ve heard tell there are folks in the ‘Verse who would like to maybe get their hands on some shiny shirts, hoodies and patches but either can’t get to a screening near them OR there isn’t one close enough to fly out to.
Well we’ve heard your call, and do we have a deal for you! For one week, until 11:59 PM CST on JUNE 29th, you, your family and friends and heck anyone in the ‘Verse can order some shiny 2009 swag straight from Global. Just go to the 2009 Global Merch page, click on the buttons and order away! All proceeds over and above the costs of the items will go directly to Equality Now and be accounted for in the Global Total (hooks up with our Facebook Cause page donations).… Read more…
What’s on next – 18-30 June
Fans of all ages had a fantastic time at events over the last week! There were thrills and squeals as fans watched
Serenity on the big screen, singing along with Dr. Horrible, and some thrilling heroics from our amazing event volunteers! Thanks to everyone who came out and supported Equality Now. We’re on track to have an amazing year, and this week is going to be packed full of excitement!
There are Can’t Stop the Serenity events all over the globe:… Read more…
Event Update – 8-21 June 2009
The events in Toronto and NYC over the weekend were a blast! Thanks to everyone who came out and sang and bought stuff and supported Equality Now with your presence. We’ve now go 3 events under our belt in 2009 and many many more to go!
We’re delighted to announce the next fortnight’s Can’t Stop the Serenity events…… Read more…
The Cause – “We’re just happy to be doin’ good works”
“All I ask is this: Do something. Try something. Speaking out, showing up, writing a letter, a check, a strongly worded e-mail. Pick a cause – there are few unworthy ones. And nudge yourself past the brink of tacit support to action. Once a month, once a year, or just once.” – Joss Whedon
Why We Are Here…
In the past few weeks, we’ve shared some stories about the cold, cruel and unbalanced world around us and the need to keep the signal going. But what happens when you do speak out? Do things change? The answer is yes – they do. Some change faster than others but action and speaking out do make a difference.
That’s why the latest Why We Are Here feature is about the positive side of working to make the world a better and more equal place.… Read more…
Hot Off the Presses!
What is shinier than the concept of awesome CSTS t-shirts? Why the real deal of course!!!
Our own Tara, went to the printers yesterday to chat with Scott Mensing of Koala-T and check on the shirts. While she was there, she took these cool pictures to show me because she was so excited!

Because I’m excited too, we’ve decided to share the excitement with EVERYONE!
*hops up and down like a little kid*

Just think… soon those of you who ordered them will have these to wear proudly. I bet Don is excited too!

Event Update – June 1
We’re delighted to announce the next fortnight’s Can’t Stop the Serenity events:… Read more…
Why We Are Here (Part V)
In the past few weeks, I’ve shared some stories about the cold, cruel and unbalanced world around us and the need to keep the signal going. But what happens when you do speak out? Do things change? The answer is yes – they do. Some change faster than others but action and speaking out do make a difference.
That’s why today’s “Why We Are Here,” is about the positive side of working to make the world a better and more equal place. There are two stories I am going to reference today, where Equality Now has helped justice prevail and the winds of change sweep far and wide.
Our first story deals with Zambia and the horrific rape of school girls by their teachers. Not for the first time, Edson Hakasenke raped one of his students by luring her to his house on the premise of collecting schoolwork. … Read more…
Event Update – May 25
Promoting CSTS to the Airwaves and Beyond!
Do you have a podcast (or know someone who does) who also loves all things Serenity? Would you like an audio file on your Browncoat website promoting this year’s Can’t Stop the Serenity events?
Then, this here little gem (available in either .mp3 or .wav) is just what you’re looking for!
Click here to go to our fabulous multimedia page and snag the file that’s right for you.
And while you are here, feel free to browse around our various media promotional materials. If you see something you like and want to help spread the signal, feel free to download any of these as well. Feel free to share them and this page with Serenity/Firefly lovers everywhere, so we can keep promoting CSTS 2009!… Read more…
Thank You from EN for CSTS 2008
To Beth Nelson (’08 GO) and all the CSTS 08 organizers:
I am writing on behalf of Equality Now to thank you and all of the Browncoat volunteers and attendees for the incredible achievement of 2008’s Can’t Stop the Serenity Global screening event. I know how hard each and every one of you worked to make your event special, to make it fun for the attendees and participants, to make it the great success that it was!
It’s been a tough year, and a great year. We’ve seen some remarkable progress in the struggle to end the practice of FGM (female genital mutilation). Equality Now’s FGM Program is working with grassroots partners in more than sixteen African countries who are working to stop FGM in their communities by raising awareness and offering alternatives, and you are helping us do this.… Read more…
Keeping the Signal Going! – EN & the UN
Dear CSTSland and others who support the Cause:
It’s time to do our job and help spread the signal. Equality Now has made the front page of the Wall Street Journal because they are working on making the world aware about Sexual Harassment within the United Nations. They want to get the word out to as many people as they can.
That’s where you come into the mix. You can help make a difference by doing two simple things. A: Read the following statement from Equality Now and become educated about the matter. B: Send the message on to everyone you know and urge them to do the same. Twitter it, post it on your websites, get it out anywhere and everywhere you can.
Let’s help make a difference.… Read more…
Why We Are Here (Part IV)
“ . . . Because it’s no longer enough to be a decent person.” – JW
This week’s, “Why We Are Here” marks the anniversary of the post which changed my life. On May 20, 2007, Joss Whedon wrote his impassioned poignant plea on Whedonesque entitled “Let’s Watch a Girl Get Beaten to Death.”
“ . . . I look and I see the earth in flames. Her face was nothing but red.” – JW
For 30 minutes, Du’a Khalil Aswad was stoned to death by more than 20 men (while 2,000 or more looked on) some of them family and friends. Her own family lured her back, promising all was forgiven, all was well. Some participants threw rocks with one hand and captured it all on their cell phones with the other. … Read more…
Broadcasting the Signal
Broadcasting the Signal – A CSTS Promotional Campaign
It’s time to spread the word in earnest to those who need to hear it. You’ve heard about why we are here. You’ve heard about the important work that Equality Now does. And you know how fun a “Can’t Stop the Serenity” event can be.
Well, now it’s time to Broadcast the Signal!
We’re going to be spending the next week telling the world about CSTS, and you can help!
Our first event is 24 May (CSTS Dallas Women’s Music Showcase) then things really kick into gear in June revving all the way through to September.
“What can one person do?”
The answer is plenty. Did you know that when two sound waves occur at the same time and are in the same phase, the waves reinforce each other and the sound becomes louder?… Read more…
Why We Are Here (Part III)
Freda Adler, a US author, educator and theorist states: “Rape is the only crime in which the victim becomes the accused.” Aisha Ibrahim Duhulow of Kismayo, Somalia learned this lesson the hard way – a way that ended in her death.
Imagine you’ve been raped by three men on the way to visit your grandmother, and that you are brave enough to report it. It is hard to put yourself in Aisha’s place isn’t it? Because rape is a disgusting, uncivilized sickness – one, we don’t like to talk about. The courage it takes to come forward is almost inconceivable. Even if the rapist is caught and brought to justice, his victims who survive suffer for the rest of their lives.
Aisha and her family came forward seeking help and healing. … Read more…
Why We Are Here (Part II)
Mother’s Day – we celebrate it on different days around the globe, but it means the same thing. It is a day when children of all ages say thank you; a day we can tell our moms how special they are and how much we love them.
Yet in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, many mothers will only receive meaningless silence and painful tears, instead of flowers and family hugs. They will not be celebrating with their daughters this year.
And indeed for some, ever again.
Just across the border from El Paso, Texas, Death struts about performing his horrible magic tricks. Countless women disappear. Some have never returned. Those that do are only recovered as mutilated pieces. It is as if Death owns the town – and maybe he does. … Read more…
CSTS Event Update
The countdown is on to the first Can’t Stop the Serenity event of 2009!
CSTS Dallas is first cab off the ranks with their CSTS Musical Showcase on Sunday, 24 May. Musical performers include Marian Call, Inner Frequency and Kristina Morland, so if you’re down Dallas way head on over for a fun filled night of great food, drinks, Whedonverse trivia and phenomenal music!
June is packed full of events, with over 20 events already raring to go. We’re starting off in Toronto, Canada and then the US events kick into high gear! Check our Calendar for all the
We’re thrilled to see so many cities back with events in 2009, many in their fourth successful year of raising funds for Equality Now. And we’re beyond excited to see that Can’t Stop the Serenity is still growing!… Read more…
Why We Are Here (Part I)
The answer to this question varies. Many of us participate in CSTS events and other Browncoat related activities for a number of reasons. We join together to make a difference in the world because we’ve been rallied by Joss’s words to do something, anything. We meet up so that we can share our love of the Serenity/Firefly/Whedonverse, and because we are like-minded folk who want to share other aspects of our lives with our fellow Fireflyians. These are just a few of the reasons we come together in this fellowship
And they are all, very good reasons.
The main focus of Can’t Stop the Serenity has always been to help Equality Now keep the signal going. EN seeks to let the voices of abused women the world over, cry out and be heard.… Read more…
Event Registration Dates Extended
Dear CSTSland:
How are all you amazing Browncoats? Thank you for working so hard to make Can’t Stop the Serenity 2009 an amazing success!
I come to you today with hat in hand. Why? Well I just bet you’ve seen the affiliate form and thought… hmmm we get it on May 1st AND it’s the deadline… What’s up with Global? Why wasn’t it up before?
And you’d be right to think that.
I originally created the Affiliate Event Registration Form in February about the same time as the Serenity Screening Event Registration Form. My email said “Hey it’s sent!” So I skipped off into the sunset and neglected to double-check the number of attachments. My bad. While planning a drive to promote of Affiliate Events (now that the Serenity Screening Events are moving and grooving) I discovered that the form wasn’t up on site.… Read more…
Affiliate City Registration
Do you want to have a CSTS event in your area, but can’t find a willing or reasonably priced cinema? Are there not enough Browncoats, or think there’s not enough time to get it done for this year?
Become an Affiliate City!
Affiliate Events could include a quiz night, a BBQ, Dr Horrible screening or a bakesale in the name of CSTS. You’ll receive acknowledgment on the website for your efforts, be part of the CSTS community, and you’ll have helped support a really wonderful cause, Equality Now.
There is a special allocation of global swag (items donated by global sponsors) for Affiliate Events.
This is a great opportunity to get together with likeminded people and spread a little “Can’t Stop the Serenity” joy.
Event Registration deadlines are as follows:
15 May 2009 – This guarantees your event is listed on global merchandise (eg.… Read more…
Can’t Stop the Serenity 2009 Events Go Live!
We’re delighted to announce that we currently have 20 cities with confirmed event dates! And over 30 cities registered and on board for 2009.
Check out our Calendar of Events for more details.
In addition to screening “Serenity”, many cities will also be adding “Dr Horrible’s Sing-a-long Blog” to the billing! Join fellow fans and sing along with Dr Horrible, Captain Hammer and Penny in theatrical style!
There is a still lot of room for events on the calendar, and we look forward to announcing more as additional cities across the globe join the party.
First Round Event Registration is closing soon, so if you are thinking of planning an event (either a Screening or an Affiliate Event) please register by 1 May 2009 to ensure your event is listed on our global merchandise.… Read more…
Event Registration Deadlines
Have you been thinking of joining the 30+ cities around the world in celebrating “Serenity” and raising funds for Equality Now?
There’s lots more room on the 2009 ‘Can’t Stop The Serenity’ calendar and we’d love to have you join the party!
First Round registrations are closing soon, so please make sure you register your event before the deadline.
Event Registration Deadlines:
15 May 2009 – This guarantees your event is listed on global merchandise (eg. T-shirts)
1 June 2009 – This guarantees your event is listed in global press materials
1 August 2009 – Final deadline for 2009 registrations. Please note that no 2009 event registrations will be accepted after this date
Registration is very simple, and you can find everything you need at the Event Registration and How To Guide links.… Read more…