On behalf of the current CSTS Global Steering Committee (GSC), we would like to formally welcome and introduce the two newest members: Emma Doran and Ana Maria “Ria” Selvaggio. There is nothing mightier than a volunteer who hears the call and offers to step up. We are happy to have them. You can learn more about them on the Global Steering Committee web page.
Ria Selvaggio
The Global Steering Committee will be working behind the scenes to assist the Global Team in launching the 2019 event season. We are also here if you have any questions by emailing us at gsc@cantstoptheserenity.com… Read more…
The Global Event Coordinator (“GEC”) directs the year’s events, and works closely with his/her team to successfully facilitate events across the globe. The GEC reports directly to the Global Steering Committee and is responsible for coordinating the Global Team and, among other things, is responsible for:
Directing the year’s global efforts, maintaining the integrity and purpose of CSTS for the year
Building and supporting the Global Team
Supporting local event organizers
Charlie comes to us as a member of the Albuquerque Browncoats and successful CSTS organizer. He was a member of the Global Team in 2016, and feels that Can’t Stop the Serenity is important because: “The cause is so very worthy. We in the United States and other Western democracies often take for granted the liberty and fundamental human rights that we are so fortunate to enjoy.… Read more…
The California Browncoats are holding their tenth Can’t Stop the Serenity events this Saturday, 6th October, at the AMC Classic Woodbridge Movies Theater in Irvine, CA (the same place as past years’ events).
Starting at 2:15pm, they’ll have prize drawings, a live auction of shiny items, and merchandise for sale as well as a screening of the Big Damn Movie. As always, cosplay fun is welcome and they will have a small door prize for everyone who dresses up as a character from the ‘Verse! Things will wrap up around 6:00ish.
All proceeds will go to Equality now and tickets are available at Brown Paper Tickets for $17.
If you can’t make their event, you can still make a donation through that link too.… Read more…
This Sunday 23rd Sept the Delaware Valley Brigade of the Pennsylvania Browncoats is holding their Philly shindig from 2pm until 6pm at the Rotunda in Philadelphia.
Organiser Matt says “Our shindig will include the music of comedy rock star Mikey Mason (mikeymason.com) of “She Don’t Like Firefly” fame. He’s a self proclaimed comedy monster, a naughty cartoon character, an experiment gone wonderfully wrong. He’s the psycho stalker ex-boyfriend of comedy, except that you want to see him again. And again. And again.
There will also be trivia, raffles, and other ways we aim to misbehave, while happily doing good works. All proceeds of the event go to Equality Now.”
The North Texas Browncoats are about to hold their 13th annual shindig! On Sunday 23rd September, doors will open at midday for an afternoon of trivia, auctions and of course a screening of the Big Damn Movie.
They’re also going to be showing Dr. Horrible and will be having an evil laugh competition, so you had better start practicing!
Organiser Annie says “We are proud to be presenting our 13th Can’t Stop the Serenity event in support of Equality Now. This year there will be special contests for the kids too so it’ll be a real family atmosphere.”
The Albuquerque Browncoats are celebrating their 10th anniversary of holding CSTS events in Albuquerque!
Organizer Charlie Fitch took over organizer duties in 2013 in Albuquerque for two reasons. First, the cause and work of Equality Now was just so inspiring and important – and second, despite all the work and long hours, CSTS continued to be a source of joy and fun, which was echoed by the increasing crowds of Browncoats who showed up by the hundreds. “I am honored to have had Johanna as a partner in crime for the past six years and by the great crew of volunteers who donate generously of their time, and by creating or donating collectables for our raffles and auction.” Organizer Johanna Morganstern has lead a lifetime of service and was with the Mile High Browncoats before landing in Albuquerque.… Read more…
When an organiser elects to host a Can’t Stop the Serenity event, be it a screening or affiliate event, they agree to donate at least 75% of the proceeds to Equality Now. You may be asking why Equality Now?
Consider for a moment the women in your life. Now think about what you consider to be basic human rights. Now take them away from those women.
In 1992 lawyers Jessica Neuwirth, Navanethem “Navi” Pillay, and Feryal Gharahi founded Equality Now because they wanted to use the law to help protect women and girls around the world and allow them to have, at the very least, basic human rights. They believed that “everyone, everywhere has the right to live without violence and discrimination.”
And here at Can’t Stop the Serenity, so do we.… Read more…
Cunning hat? Check. Unfeasibly tight pants? Check. 2018 Can’t Stop the Serenity t-shirt? No? Well let’s sort that right out! T-shirts, hoodies and tank tops proudly displaying this year’s winning design are now available through Represent.
You may recall that last year the t-shirts ran as a series of ‘campaigns’ so that people could order throughout the season and not have to wait until the end of the season to get their shinies. We are running things the same way this year so you can order any time before October, but please note that items may not arrive for up to 3-8 weeks after the end of each campaign so order well in advance if you plan on wearing your new shirt to a local event.… Read more…
We asked and you answered. We are pleased to announce the winner of the 2018 art contest. Congratulations to Jeffrey Weniger, winner of our 2018 art contest! If that name sounds familiar, you’re correct. Jeffrey is the artist behind the 2016 design as well.
We would like to thank each of you for taking your time to cast your vote. Watch for announcements on how to order patches and t-shirts. This design will be a must-have for patch collectors and a striking look on t-shirts. We will have order information out to you soon as we’re coming up on the start of the season.
We are once again looking for people or organisations who can help us support cities around the world in their fundraising efforts by providing items that can be used as prizes.
Ideally we would like 25 of any item so we can distribute one to all the cities who are holding events. If you don’t have 25 available please still get in touch as there are other ways we can use them to raise money for Equality Now, like our end of year global auction.
In return your name or organisation will be included in CSTS global material including our website and social media channels. Browncoats around the world will also show you their undying love and if you know Browncoats you know that’s a whole lotta love!… Read more…
Each year the Can’t Stop the Serenity logo is used by cities all over the world to promote their events and each year we ask our amazingly talented Browncoats to come up with a new design for this logo.
This year we have two fantastic designs to choose from and we need your help to decide which one will feature on the website, on t-shirts and as part of other promotional activities for the 2018 season.
So, now once again we vote.
Voting is open here on the official CSTS website as of 19 March 2018 and we will close voting at 11:59 p.m./PST on 1 April 2018.
In the event of a tie, the Global Steering Committee and Global Team will choose the winning piece.… Read more…
We are teaming up once again with the California Browncoats to present CSTS Orange County 2017! The event will take place on September 17th, 2017 starting at 2:15 PM at the AMC Classic Woodbridge Movies.
It’s always fun hanging out with a bunch of Browncoats, and it’s all for charity, so come on out!
CSTS-OC 2017 features a screening of Serenity on the big screen (of course) and a live performance by The Fallen Stars, the SoCal Americana band who created the amazing Firefly inspired music project, Leaves on the Wind–one original song per episode. These generous Browncoats donate a portion of LotW sales to Equality Now, and are global sponsors of CSTS. And there’s more! There will also be a trivia contest, prize drawings, auctions, and shiny merchandise for sale! … Read more…
The 2017 Global Can’t Stop the Serenity t-shirts are now available to order. We have again partnered with Represent so t-shirts are available to the general public through online sales, allowing anyone to support CSTS even if they can’t make it to an event. And if you are lucky enough to attend an event, you can attend in style and… represent!
Represent is a T-shirt printing company specializing in charity drives. They’ve been the powerful machinery behind several high profile celebrity fundraisers, including efforts by Nathan Fillion, Jewel Staite, Felicia Day, and many others.
100% of t-shirt proceeds will go directly to Equality Now.
Using Represent also means we can offer a wide variety of styles, sizes and colours and with back to back campaigns relaunching automatically every three weeks, you can order at any time throughout the entire CSTS season.… Read more…
Congratulations and well done to artist and designer Nick Kremenek as the winner of this year’s art contest! We were very impressed with the quality of the entries received this year and the voting response.
We extend generous thanks to each entrant, Mary McKay-Eaton, Anastasia Thomas and Halo Cure, Brian Koerber, Jade Sugars, and Jeffrey Weniger for sharing their talent and the time involved generating this art. We hope to see you again in another year’s contest. We received many, many votes during the course of this contest and we would also like to thank each of you for your vote.
Very soon we will be able to let you know how to order the t-shirts and patches. This design is going to look brilliant on them and we can’t wait to share that with you.… Read more…
This decision won’t save your life but it will help us work out which amazing design should represent the global Can’t Stop the Serenity efforts this year.
Each year we make the tough choice about which logo will be used at events all across the world and this year the choice is no easier!
Thanks to each artist who created these amazing designs, we have some extremely talented Browncoats out there in the ‘Verse.
So, now we vote.
Voting is open and available as of 20 March, 2017, and we will close voting at 11:59 p.m./PST on Monday, 27 March 2017. You can view the entries and place your votes here.
In the event of a tie, the Global Steering Committee and Global Team will choose the winning piece.… Read more…
If you’ve been thinking about entering a design in the 2017 Serenity promotional art contest but didn’t think you had enough time then today is your lucky day! We’re extending the deadline to 13 March 2017 so you have another week to get your design down and send it in.
Remember, the Can’t Stop the Serenity logo is a critical part of the awareness raising campaign that’s done each and every year in support of local events held all over the world. Your design will feature on the website, on all our social media channels and on any t-shirts and promotional goods produced for the season.
We’ve seen what you guys can do so, we know Browncoats are among the most creative people in the ‘Verse so we’re excited to see what you guys can come up with. … Read more…
Sean Faust is a singer-songwriter in the alternative/ progressive rock genre from New Jersey that has been playing Can’t Stop the Serenity events since 2008. In 2012 he started the “Hero Of Canton Sing Along Challenge” where he plays the song live with as many people in attendance joining him on stage (or whatever the platform may be) to sing along!
In May of 2014 Sean released his single called “Signal” inspired by the movie Serenity and starting off where the show Firefly ended. From the beginning he has donated 50% of sales from that song to Equality Now on behalf of CSTS and happily continues to do so year after year. “They’re my favorite events of the year! It’s always a blast to meet new people or get to see friends again that I’ve made along the way.… Read more…
Can’t Stop the Serenity (CSTS) is a unique opportunity to indulge your geeky side while doing some good! Since 2006, fans have organized screenings of Joss Whedon's Serenity to raise funds and awareness to support Equality Now in their work for the protection and promotion of the human rights of women around the world. Join us as we aim to misbehave for a good cause!
There are two ways to fight a battle like ours. One is to whisper in the ear of the masses, try subtlely and gradually to change the gender expectations and mythic structures of our culture. That’s me. The other is to step up and confront the thousands of atrocities that are taking place around the world on an immediate, one-by-one basis. That’s a great deal harder, and that’s Equality Now. It’s not about politics; it’s about basic human decency.