In July we announced that we had to develop a new CSTS icon since Equality Now had changed theirs. We put out the call and asked for submissions. It was going to be tough, we knew. The colours and shapes weren’t going to fit so neatly together.
As always, Browncoats came though and we had an impressive amount of artwork from which to choose.
It was hard as there were many ingenious designs. We worked with Equality Now to make sure that we respected their logo and finally picked the one that we felt made best use of the 2 icons, that of Universal’s Serenity and Equality Now’s equal sign. It is condensed and will be easy to add to the yearly images but stands well on its own.
Presenting (drum roll) the new CSTS image as created by JB

JB is self-taught, dabbling in art as a hobby. Her mediums are digital art, acrylic paint, and colored pencil. She loves the sci-fi and mystery genres, quizzing her friends on movie quotes. JB supports the work of Equality Now and CSTS and when she was told her art had been chosen, said that she is honored to support CSTS in this small way. You can find JB’s portfolio at
Our thanks go to her and to all the people who took the time to make art and then send it in.
You are all Big Damn Heroes.
Is there a copy of the image, that I can use on Facebook as my cover photo?
Wow. I love it, it’s very modern and represents the spirit of the CSTS movement well, in my opinion. Great job JB!!
I like it!
Nance, we’re working on getting various sizes and formats but it will take a while.
I want to be a part of your Firefly and serenity fanclub how do I do that and where are the next get-togethers at I would like to go to those as well
Donald, We aren’t a fanclub. We are Browncoats who raise money for
charity. Some of the groups who run events do have regular shindigs,
others don’t. Take a look at where there were events this past year: and see if there is an active group near you.