Minneapolis is starting off the weekend on Thursday with a big event. Showing both Dr. Horrible and Serenity in one night! Starting at 8:30, this is perfect for anyone who has to work the next day. đ
They continue the fun with both Friday and Saturday nights seeing the doors open at 11:00 p.m. with Serenity being shown at 11:30. There are raffles all three nights with great prizes to be had. The Riverview is a restored 1950’s Art Deco theater and a treat just in itself.
Whedonfest is underway for another year, from Aug. 9-11th. A joint CSTS event with Browncoats from the Nashville, TN/Scotsville, KY area, this is a weekend of all things Whedony. Come for the day or the weekend. There are panels, games, an auction, a shindig with special guest Mikey Mason, Dr. Horrible, and of course, Serenity. Check the website for all the details. Online registration has closed but tickets are still for sale on site.
North Texas’ eighth annual Can’t Stop the Serenity shindig will take place at the historic Lakewood Theater in Dallas. The event will include screenings of Serenity and Dr. Horrible, a costume contest, evil laugh competition, Hero of Canton sing-along-world-record-breaking-attempt, raffles, prizes, live auctions and more! The new venue doesn’t serve food but does feature a full bar, and there’s a generous lunch break in the middle of the day. Guests can pack a lunch, or venture out to any one of half a dozen eateries within easy walking distance. Doors open at noon, Serenity will be shown at 4:30. Full information can be found at the website including the schedule, tickets, t-shirts and other details.