The Seattle Browncoats aren’t content with doing a screening. They are doing two on the same day.
On Saturday July 13, the 2:00 matinee also features live entertainment in the form of Firebird’s Children. The “Special Hell” evening screening at 7:00 has pre-movie entertainment from NERDprov, followed by the movie with texting-to-screen Hecklevision available to all cell phones present.
Both screenings offer raffles including one very special prize, a Seattle CSTS tote bag autographed by Nathan Fillion.
The screenings are in a new venue this year, the Central Cinema, which has a full restaurant and bar.
Tickets are selling fast so get yours while you can.
One of our most faithful sponsors, the podcast Sending a Wave is also supporting Equality Now in a more direct fashion by holding an Affilate Event on July 13. Plans are nicely fluid. There will be food, there will probably be viewing of something and then more food!
On Sunday, the PA Browncoats are having their 8th annual CSTS screening in Philadelphia. It’s held at the Rotunda and admission is by a suggested donation of $10.00 in advance or $15.00 at the door.
As well as showing Serenity, there will be live music, trivia & raffles.
Having raised over $2,000 for Equality Now last year, their goal is to increase that in 2013.