On March 5, we launched the first of our Firefly 10th Anniversary contests, asking you to share your first memories of Firefly. We’re pleased to announce that the winner is Lauren, from Chicago IL. Congratulations Laurenon your winning entry. Thanks to the generosity of the New Melbourne Browncoats, she has won a copy of Firefly:The Official Companion, Vol I.
My first memory of Firefly…
I love Star Wars, Star Trek, Lord of the Rings, Battlestar Galactica,etc. etc…. but honestly, I started watching Firefly to impress a guy. He was a dreamy Nathan Fillion lookalike, and I knew he was into the series. I really wanted us to have something to talk about.
I didn’t expect to love Firefly, but I did.
I annihilated the entire series in about a week, some eps multiple times. Shiny, shiny goodness! One day, I went up to this guy, and nervously spouted,”Last night, I saw 3 Fireflies!!” … He thought I meant actual lightning bugs. He had no idea what I was talking about.
Well, the story ends with us dating. His name is Clayton. We cosplay together, him as Mal and me as Saffron or River. We’re moving in together in June, and MCing Chicago’s Can’t Stop the Serenity this September.
I’ll support CSTS from now on, not only because the series and the charity ROCK, but because it brought us together.