This week’s CSTS Supporter interview is with Philippa from Bristol in the UK…
1. When was your first CSTS?
That would be the first one we ran in Bristol
2. How many times have you seen Serenity?
Probably at least a dozen, including San Diego last year at SDCC!
3. Who’s your favorite Firefly character and why?
Jayne! To quote Adam himself, ‘Weapons, muscles, thuggery, sex!’ Works for me!
4. What does being a Browncoat mean to you?
Being part of a huge worldwide family who automatically accept and welcome each other. It’s awesome.
5. Why do you support CSTS and Equality Now?
1. Once a Browncoat, always a Browncoat. 2. I wish to support my sisters worldwide who do not have the same freedoms that I enjoy.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Philippa. It’s great to have you as part of the CSTS family.
If you’d like to share your responses to these questions, just email them to!
Bristol browncoats