General announcements and information regarding the 2009 global events.
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Sat May 02, 2009 6:07 pm

Dear CSTSland:

How are all you amazing Browncoats? Thank you for working so hard to make Can’t Stop the Serenity 2009 an amazing success!

I come to you today with hat in hand. Why? Well I just bet you've seen the affiliate form and thought... hmmm we get it on May 1st AND it's the deadline... What's up with Global? Why wasn't it up before?

And you'd be right to think that.

I originally created the Affiliate Event Registration Form in February about the same time as the Serenity Screening Event Registration Form. My email said "Hey it's sent!" So I skipped off into the sunset and neglected to double-check the number of attachments. My bad. While planning a drive to promote of Affiliate Events (now that the Serenity Screening Events are moving and grooving) I discovered that the form wasn't up on site. Apparently it didn't make it past the e-mail gremlins I get plagued with from time to time. (Note: E-mail gremlins are a lot like Reavers.)

Sometimes human error wanders in, and just messes things up. "I aim to misbehave" shouldn't apply this way. But I screwed up and it doesn't matter why. So I am aiming to make things right.

Therefore, the deadline for signing up and still have your event’s city on the t-shirt etc. is being extended to May 15th for both Affiliate and Serenity Screening Events. Tara, our Global Merchandise goddess, assures me that we will have plenty of time to get the artwork processed and to the printers. Your amazing global team is ready to make sure you are in good hands.

So I hope y'all will forgive my misstep.

Additionally, I want to encourage Browncoats not hosting a Serenity Screening Event, to host an Affiliate Event. The form is upon on the site in both .doc and .pdf formats and ready for you to use. Joss's amazing boon, Dr. Horrible's Sing-a-long Blog*, is one way to make hosting an Affiliate Event a breeze.

Want more ideas? Pair it up with a craft night of Kaylee parasol making, a trivia contest or teach others a more stylish way to go about town in their very own Jayne hat! Ply hungry Browncoats AND your community with pancakes, spaghetti or some other chow (or you could make it real interestin' and have a feast from cans without labels...). The opportunities are endless!

Remember, you don't have to spend a lot of money to do something good and have fun. So, if it is just not possible for you to organize a CSTS screening of the best damn movie in the 'Verse, then have some fun by giving an Affiliate Event a whirl! You'll be glad you did and so will Equality Now.

Thank you all for your understanding and patience. Now let the affiliated events begin!

With warm regards,

Anne Barringer
Global Organizer
Can’t Stop the Serenity 2009

*Dr. Horrible can be screened for CSTS events with no fees. :mrgreen:
Just be sure to post here: viewtopic.php?f=34&t=349 at least 2 weeks before your event and remember that all proceeds from the screening MUST go to charity.
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