GUESS WHAT? I have here in my cyber hand something you fine folk have been waiting to read. No, it’s not a puppy or a shiny sparkling bit of heist (although those things are fine enough in their own regards…)
I have here, right here before me… that precious bit o’email from Amanda at Equality Now!
What email you ask? Well for those of you who mighta missed our little missive earlier, it contains two very special names – the names belonging to the shiny winners in part one of the global prize draw…
Even I can’t stop the serenity – so now, without any further ado and/or and procrastination of the special shiny announcement – here we go.
The winner of the Creation Entertainment Gold Passes is:
of Albuquerque❣
The winner of the Browncoat Ball Passes is:

of Chicago!❣
✶✳✸✷✵✹✺ CONGRATULATIONS❢ ✺✹✵✷✸✳✶
From all of us here at CSTS central, we say thanks for supporting our awesome sauce cause by supporting your local organizers and whoot for winning! Be sure to keep checking back because we have more things to share and we’ll also be drawing for the rest of the festive prizes in a couple months.
Also, a very special thank you to Amanda Sullivan/Equality Now for agreeing to be our lovely random name/prize puller! What a team we make and what a way to make a difference!
Have a fantabulous Labor Day Weekend!
Warm Regards,