2011 Global Donation Tally: $156,512.56
Updated 21 May 2012 from 51 cities. There were 51 registered cities for CSTS 2011.
Amounts Listed are for all charity recipients, in USD – click here for details.
Participating Cities
Melbourne, VIC – Jun 10 Jul 16
Aug 27 Sept 3
Perth, WA – Aug 7
Edmonton, AB – Jun 25
Halifax, NS – Aug 20
Toronto, ON – Jun 18 Sept 10
Vancouver, BC – Jun 25
Dublin – Sept 29
United Kingdom 
Beeston – Aug 20
Birmingham – Jul 16
Gloucester – Jun 18
Liverpool – Sept 17
Newcastle – Jun 25
Nottingham – Jun 11
United States 
Albuquerque, NM – Jul 23-24
Arlington, VA – Jun 24-25
Atlanta, GA – Sept 25
Austin, TX – Sept 10-11
Baltimore, MD – Jun 26
Boston, MA – Jun 25 $3,000
Charlotte, NC – Sept 18
Chicago, IL – Aug 20
Dallas/FortWorth, TX – Jun 26
Denver, CO – Sept. 15
Fort Lauderdale, FL – Jul 16
Kansas City, MO – Aug 12-14
Lawrence, KS – Jun 24
Lincoln, RI – Jul 23
Logan, UT – Jun 25
Los Angeles, CA – Jun 25
Madison, WI – Jul 9
Minneapolis, MN – Aug 11-13
Nashville, TN/Scottsville KY – Aug 5-7
New York, NY – Jun 25
Norfolk, VA – Jun 11
Orange County, CA – Sept 24
Philadelphia, PA – Jun 11 Sept 18
Phoenix, AZ – Sept 18
Pittsburgh, PA – Jul 8
Portland, OR – July 29 Aug 20
Raleigh, NC – Jun 26
Salt Lake City, UT – Aug 6
San Antonio, TX – Jul 10
San Diego, CA – Jul 20
San Francisco, CA – Aug 20
Seattle, WA – Sept 17
Syracuse, NY – Aug 27
Tucson, AZ – Sept 24
Other Fundraisers
CSTS Global Auction $2,776.64
CSTS Twitter Follower/Facebook Likes Pledge $207.20
= Screening Event
= Affiliate Event
= On Sale
= Event Over – Waiting for Results
= Proof of donation submitted to CSTS Global Team
= Proof of donation overdue
= Donation Confirmed by Charities
= Loss Reported – No Donation Made
= Event Cancelled – No Donation Made
Hey, the June 11 Norfolk event is not up there yet. We’re going to start our media blitz soon, it would be helpful if it was up there when we reference the CSTS page.
I have your information and it will be up in the next couple of days. Not every event we have approved is currently up. It’s a work in progress. Good luck with your media work! 🙂
Hey, thanks! We actually have a contact with a local tv channel this year. It turns out that a producer for the show came to our first event last year and liked it.
Will there be one in Washington DC?
That’s great!!!
At the moment, I don’t have one registered for DC. However, that doesn’t mean that one won’t be there. Or you could become an organizer and set one up!
With Ottawa venturing out on their own I’ve decided this year to partake in a bit of a roadtrip.
Looking for any fellow Browncoats with in a days drive of Ottawa, such as TO, Syracuse, NY, Halifax, who have a couch I could possibly crash on while following Can’t Stop the Serenity around.
Thanks anyone who may be able to help.
I suggest you also mention this on the forum.
Do organizers have to do something special to get our screening linked to the website above or just sit tight and wait?
Nope, you have nothing to do; I’ll be taking care of that for you!
Will you please include the Norfolk event soon, we are referencing this CSTS page in our media handouts. Thanks
Thank you
I still have you down as a pre-registered city, and the cites I have listed are registered; I am looking into whether I need for you to be fully registered to put you on the site or if you already are and the information I am is incorrect. I will let you know asap.
What are the details for the Newcastle UK CSTS??
Details will be posted by the local organiser on our Forum once they’re finalised. Keep an eye out here: https://community.cantstoptheserenity.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=1352
Minneapolis is in Minnesota, not Michigan.
Can’t wait, hopefully I can finally get there this year!
Hi, just wanted to let you know the Halifax, Canada website is up, with tickets on sale: http://www.cstshalifax.ca. Thanks!
I am very confused about the 2011 Baltimore date for the Serenity movie. I looked at the link and it says that it will be showing June 26, 2011, 11 AM EDT , and tickets go on sale tomorrow. I called the theater and they have no record of any movie being shown on that date, I called to ask about tickets. I am worried because they tell me that there will be no movie by this name or any other movie shown on the 26th.
Anyone have any info on this event or who to contact about this event?
Landmark Theatres
645 S. President Street
Baltimore, MD 21202
(410) 244-6636
Thanks very much!!
Let’s get a date for Tucson, AZ!
Rats, none for NZ
That sucks
We’re trying to find out the answer for you! Events are run by volunteers, so it may be that the information is still being finalised. There’s a thread on our Forum about this event, so keep an eye out there – https://community.cantstoptheserenity.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=1432
The Tucson crew are still in planning mode as far as we know. But as soon as we know the date, we’ll post it!
Events are organised by volunteers, so locations depend on whether there are willing hands in the area. If there are fans in your area, it may be worth considering looking into hosting an event close to home?
Details for Baltimore are now on their website, and tickets are on sale – https://www.cantstoptheserenity.com/baltimore
Just a little confused – what exactly is the difference between the “affiliate events” and the others?
Con, there are 2 types of events – those which include a screening of Serenity (all nice and shiny on the biggest screen fans can find) and those that don’t. Screening events are the ones where you’ll get to see Serenity. Affiliate events can be any kind of event that supports EN, such as a Dr Horrible screening, a trivia night, a dinner, BBQ, barn dance, and what ever else creative fans can think of that will be fun!
Thanks for updating the list with the Halifax, Canada website. Tickets are on sale – would it be possible to add that legend?
We’ll get on that. Best to email events@cantstoptheserenity.com with updates – it’s a bit faster. 🙂
Evidently KanedaX’s correction last May 26th wasn’t understood: Minnesota is abbreviated as MN (Michigan is MI) therefore your listing should be Minneapolis, MN….
of course presumably people going there will already know that.
I’ll be going to Chicago! Thank you for the information.
Maribeth Martell
Fairfield, Iowa
I just took care of it. Thanks for pointing that out. 🙂
That’s Kansas City, MO (not Michigan). As far as I can tell, there are no events in Michigan. (*pout*)
kansas city MO, not MI.
Got it! Thanks!
Taken care of; thanks!
Why are y’all not coming to Louisiana at all? We have Browncoats too!
@Paula R, events are organised by enthusiastic local volunteers, and practically anyone can pull together an event. If you know other Browncoats in your area, why not pool your resources and host an event? There are lots of folks and resources to help you out.
There is a screening in Jacksonville, FL, on July 22 at the Five Points Theater. Are you participating?
Re: Jacksonville, that seems to be just a regular Serenity screening, not a CSTS event for charity.
I ordered tickets & paid using paypal, but when I got to the final page, it wouldn’t proceed — I got the paypal receipt via email, but how do I get the ticktes???
@Roberta – which event are you referring to?
Denver is shooting for September 15th from 6-9pm. More details to come.
This year the PDX Browncoats will be having two events, the first on July 29 to show the entire series of The Guild at Guardian Games in Portland, OR. Check out our website for more details.
Denver’s event is scheduled for Sept. 15th and we’ve been approved but are not on the above list. We’ve paid for licensing and everything. Any idea why?
Oversight on our part. It’s taken care of now. Sorry about that.
Why is the KC event pending? When will we know if and when it is? I would love to be kept in this loop and know when the event is. Thanks.
It’s up, I’m sorry, I dropped the ball on that one!!!
I just noticed that the Charlotte, NC, event is listed as an affiliate event on this list. It’s actually a screening. Can you change the icon to reflect this? Thanks lots!
Consider it done!
Hey, I emailed in our results/etc over a week ago, can we be updated yet? Have received confirmation from all Equality Now contacts involved.
The Global Donation Tally (and individual event totals) will be posted very soon now… we’ve just been waiting on some confirmations from the recipient charities. 🙂